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Ingredients used

Posted by francesco
18 January 2024

The use of chicken protein in monoprotein products for dogs: let's clarify

La proteina del pollo nei prodotti monoproteici per cani viene guardata con crescente sospetto dai consumatori perché considerata la causa principale di intolleranze ed allergie. Ma è davvero così? Vediamo nel dettaglio quali sono le cause. Nel vasto mondo dell’alimentazione per cani, la parola chiave è “monoproteico”. Questa tendenza si...

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Posted by francesco
6 May 2023

La yucca, il superfood più usato nel pet food ma anche uno dei meno conosciuti

La yucca viene riconosciuta a tutti gli effetti come un superfood ed è presente nel pet food da diversi anni, ma per quale motivo? Prima di approfondire, è bene sapere che la yucca è un genere di piante facente parte della famiglia Asparagaceae, originario delle regioni a clima tropicale secco,...

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Posted by francesco
13 March 2023

Yeast in pet food: a common ingredient but with many uses

Il lievito nel pet food ha un posto molto importante. Sebbene sia un ingrediente meno conosciuto, contiene nutrienti essenziali che contribuiscono a una dieta equilibrata e sana per i tuoi animali domestici. Negli ultimi anni, la presenza di lievito nel cibo secco per cani e gatti è diventata sempre più...

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Posted by francesco
25 October 2021

Chestnut extract to improve the assimilability of nutrients - Adragna Pet Food

Chestnut extract for improving the assimilation of nutrients.

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Posted by francesco
13 July 2021

The peculiar characteristics of buffalo meat in pet food

La carne di bufalo nel pet food è stata scelta per essere, tra le carni rosse, una delle più magre e leggere, ideale per dare un’alternativa a quei cani che non gradiscono la carne di pollo o hanno sviluppato nel tempo una leggera intolleranza a quel tipo di carne. Il...

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Posted by francesco
15 June 2021

The importance of citrus fruits in pet food

Some studies carried out at the University of Messina have proven how citrus are important in petfood. In fact, they have healthy effects in regulating blood cholesterol levels. Their important role has also been confirmed by some expert nutritionists with whom our Naxos range has been formulated. All product of Naxos range contain

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Posted by francesco
16 April 2021

The advantages of dehydrated proteins in petfood

Choosing dehydrated proteins in petfood is extremely important for ensuring maximum nutritional yield and for avoiding the use of artificial preservatives.

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Posted by francesco
31 March 2021

The ideal diet for an elderly dog

The diet of an elderly dog ​​should be different from that of a young dog. Sometimes out of laziness we continue to feed our dog with the same croquettes with which we fed them after they became adults. Although we would like to always have them young and snappy, ours too ...

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Posted by francesco
31 March 2021

Sterilized dogs need specific products

Sterilized dogs need specific products containing all nutrients necessary for their daily life and related to their physical conditions.

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Posted by francesco
2 February 2021

Beetroot pulp, the ingredient for a quality product

Red beet pulp is one of the most used ingredients due to its nutraceutical characteristics. It is present throughout the Cat & CO Wellness, Dog & CO Wellness and Naxos lines precisely because of its characteristics. Why is it so important for quality dry food Beet pulp ...

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Posted by francesco
17 December 2020

The ideal greasing of a kibble

Some studies carried out at the University of Messina have proven how citrus are important in petfood. In fact, they have healthy effects in regulating blood cholesterol levels. Their important role has also been confirmed by some expert nutritionists with whom our Naxos range has been formulated. All product of Naxos range contain

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Posted by francesco
29 September 2020

Chamomile to regulate the intestines of your four-legged friend

Chamomile is a nutraceutical element suitable for feeding dogs and cats if properly dosed within a product that has the right proportions of elements capable of ensuring palatability and digestibility. It is present throughout the Cat & CO Wellness and Dog & CO Wellness precisely for its ...

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Posted by francesco
23 June 2020

Rosemary, the natural pesticide typical of the Mediterranean

Rosemary is the typical natural pesticide of the Mediterranean. Known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, astringent and analgesic properties, it helps in the expulsion of intestinal gas in dogs and cats and, added to food, is able at the same time to stimulate the cat's appetite and act as a very useful preservative. natural...

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Posted by francesco
19 May 2020

The peculiar characteristics of pork

Pork, nutritious and very rich in high biological value proteins, is a very tender, palatable and digestible meat and, contrary to what it may seem, erroneously considered fat with a fat content comparable to that of beef but of better quality. ; unlike the latter, in fact, ...

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Posted by francesco
24 April 2020

Tomato, the king of Mediterranean ingredients for your dog's well-being

Typical ingredient of the Mediterranean tradition, tomato is the vegetable most rich in lycopene, a carotenoid with great antioxidant properties that protect the organism from “aggressive” mixtures like free radicals.

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Posted by francesco
25 March 2020

Artichoke, the essential ingredient for your dog's intestinal well-being

The artichoke ensures your dog a complete intestinal well-being, from the colon to the liver and is present in all the products of the Dog & Co Wellness line precisely for its characteristics. Artichokes, both the round and thorny varieties, are known to solve problems with colon irritation and ...

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