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Digital and growth in value, the trends of the most uncertain period in history

With the turbulences and uncertainties caused by the pandemic, raw materials price growth and international tensions, the digital and the values petfood growth are between the two constants of a chasing scenario.

Lets see which aspects are increasingly rising.

Digital not only as sales channel.

Digital increasingly goes inside pet food all over the world, not only in the logistic organisation, but the companies take into account the implementation of the so called “talking bags” , a package that over than containing always less recyclable plastic, it allows to deepen the products features and above all the suppliers certification.

Focus is on the tecnology to ensure the origin of the chosen ingredients and it seems to be that af a “blockchain”, used already for cryptocurrencies: important information packets that are valued and linked among them, shared to track every single transaction. This kind of technology is functional to track the ingredients used for the creation of a single parcel of product , in a clear way.

Other applications of the blockchain technology regard instead the veterinarian dogs and cats files , usuful not only for the tracking in case of lost but also to rapidly identify the surce of the sicknesses and to establish possible correlations with some ingredients.

Value growth goes over reduced volums and new high quality raw materials.

With the cost of fuels that seems to enter into a spiral of increases in costs for the procurement and storage of raw materials and the constant increase in demand worldwide, in addition to a short supply chain, the market will increasingly reward the use of local raw materials, able to guarantee the high nutritional levels guaranteed by the current pet food industry.

The keyword is always the same: sustainability. With the slowdown in the worldwide supply of ingredients that contribute to amalgamating and giving compactness to the kibble, nutritionists are involved to find alternatives solutions.

The average spending on food in families will rise again after several years and as always happens in a market that the indicators give in crisis, there will be a polarization of purchases towards the super-economic range, sustainable only by a few conglomerates that act on enormous volumes and various niches dedicated to highly loyal consumers, competent and careful about environmental impact of the used product.

The choice of Adragna Petfood is aimed at this second type of consumer, increasingly emerging in more mature markets while in emerging markets the quality present in the products offered begins to be seen in the increase in the average life of dogs and cats, fed exclusively with dry industrial food.


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