- Nell’intento di salvaguardare l’ambiente da forme di inquinamento e promuovere le produzioni locali, scegliamo di formulare i nostri prodotti con il maggior numero di ingredienti regionali e ingredienti italiani a filiera corta.
- Since 2001 we have been one of the first pet food manufacturers to obtain the Environmental certification according to UNI EN ISO 14001.
Over the years to date we have implemented several actions:
- Un innovativo impianto di abbattimento degli odori che si possono diffondere nella fase di produzione.
- Water recovery system used during the production phase of the products.
- Più dell’80% dell’energia consumata nel processo di estrusione è autoprodotta grazie all’installazione di pannelli fotovoltaici.
- All the waste produced by our factory is divided by product type and sent for recovery. Much of the packaging and paper is reused to support the circular economy project we have put in place.
Every day we also engage in social sustainability projects:
- We care about the welfare of animals and we believe that no experimentation on them is necessary to create an excellent food (Cruelty Free).
- We actively collaborate with associations and kennels to combat stray dogs through projects such as "A 4-legged basket" and a "meal leads to another".
- We do not add preservatives and artificial colors in the formulation of our products.
- To produce our croquettes we select raw materials and Superfood ingredients that are typical and exclusive of the Sicilian territory or Made in Italy.
- We favor the use of proteins of high biological value and of Italian origin.
- We favor steam cooking methods that keep the organoleptic characteristics of our foods unaltered.
- We check every phase of the production process through daily checks of a health nature and correct functioning of the machinery. In this way we are committed to guaranteeing safe and genuine food produced in compliance with the high food safety standards present in the UNI EN ISO 9001 quality and UNI EN ISO 22000 food safety certifications.
- Controls do not only concern our company, all our raw material suppliers are certified and comply with rigorous food safety standardss. This is to ensure that the excellence of our foods is built starting from the best raw materials available on the national territory and at the same time guaranteeing a controlled supply chain in all its phases, that is, traceable.
- One of our fundamental principles is to respect the nature and authenticity of its ingredients while protecting the genetic heritage and the real beauty that surrounds us. For this we use raw materials from crops without genetically modified organisms.