The importance of citrus fruits in pet food
Some studies carried out at the University of Messina have proven how citrus are important in petfood. In fact, they have healthy effects in regulating blood cholesterol levels. Their important role has also been confirmed by some expert nutritionists with whom our Naxos range has been formulated. All product of Naxos range contain
Read MoreInterzoo 2021 edizione digital, noi siamo presenti
Interzoo 2021 sta per arrivare e dopo diversi cambiamenti in corsa, una delle fiere più importanti del settore sarà per la prima volta nella storia in versione completamente digitale. Ecco quindi il nostro stand digitale, accessibile per chiunque ha un pass d’accesso, facilmente raggiungibile attraverso questo link diretto. All’interno troverete...
Read MoreTutti i dati più importanti sul mercato del pet food in Italia
Il mercato del pet food sta ancora vivendo diverse variazioni e assestamenti, alcuni effetti li abbiamo visti nel corso degli ultimi mesi ma i primi dati concreti cominciano finalmente ad arrivare. Il rapporto di settore più atteso, l’Assalco-Zoomark, sarà presentato a novembre, in occasione della fiera internazionale prevista in presenza...
Read MoreCalcium and phosphorus
Using the same amount of both assures the functionality of the skeletal and muscular systems.
Read MoreDried citrus fruit
Citrus fruit facilitates proper intestinal function, assimilation of nutrients, quality and consistence of stools.
Read MoreOlive Oil
Originating from the agribusiness tradition of the Mediterranean, it is characterised by a high content of easily digestible fatty acids monounsaturated. Rich in antioxidant substances (phenols and tocopherols), it effects positively the cardiovascular system (antihypertensive) and is a valid support contrasting the damages of oxidative stress.
Read MoreChamomile
With its anti-inflammatory and flebotonic properties, chamomile is generally used for its anti-flogistic and anti-spastic effects on the smooth muscle of the digestive tract; also, it is known to have healing, bactericidal and antifungal properties that help against inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract.
Read MoreCorn adn wheat
Used to guarantee energy under the form of carbohydrates. While durum wheat is a source of energy, of dietetic fibre and vitamins of the B group, corn produces energy as well and is rich of essential fatty acids.
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