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The best possible way to manage recensions and negative reviews

A good management of recensions and negative reviews is very important because it strengths the reputation of your activities.

Nowadays consumers are using to take information from the amount of positive recensions and at the same time, they take into consideration the problem solving ability in case of negative reviews: it is fundamental to be able in managing this aspect for strengthening its own brand identity.

Some rules and a small list of possible negative reviews that you can face

Rule zero: do not act on impulse

It is the preliminary rule, very logical but also the hardest to manage. In fact, the more we put energy, passion and made our efforts in doing something, the more is difficult to accept criticisms of what we consider the result of our well-done activity.
The management of recensions and negative reviews is a task for patient people who are not afraid of comparisons. That is why if you do not consider yourself a diplomatic person, you can delegate someone!
Constructive criticism gives positive starting point to improve our weaknesses whose not always we are very aware. Negative criticism is potential not constructive. Normally it presents the peculiarities below:

– It is a discredit play from competitors
– It is an outburst from a person who is suffering for inconvenient not directly related to specific disruptions.

Not constructive criticism, the best way of responding

Social instruments give the opportunity to add filters in order to avoid rude reviews and to forbid users from leaving their comments.
Although they are useful instruments, it is recommended to use these filters only if it is not possible to take advantage from the matter discussed or if the user uses to bother you and you do not have enough time to manage this fact.

Possible discredit play from competitors:

This is the case when users leave their negative reviews and they are not at all interested in asking for the solution of a problem. His goal is only to create issues. This the most complex and the most important situation to deal with.
Anyway in this case polite tones are highly recommended. Another important suggestion is to answer the questions sincerely, with a pinch of irony but avoiding exaggerations, sarcasm and aggressive tones.

This aspect is particularly important in the socials where the internal algorithm rewards topics with the highest number of reviews; it happens the same when in a physical place a discussion involves more and more curious people who feed issues.
A discredit play can be an isolate action. On Facebook and Instagram, they can come as a wave from more or less sophisticated fake accounts.
Polite and adequate replies to reviews keeps active your community. Your goal has to be to answer until your community will take your defences.

Even if this kind of action has been planned for discrediting, it brings you more visibility than a paid campaign if it is properly handled.

Other kind of criticisms exist. Sometimes it is the result of outburst of people who are suffering:

In fact, some people use social network as a way to vent its own frustration. Considering the current situation, it is possible to expect these possible reactions.
In this case, it is recommended not to answer and not to hide reviews because the only goal of a frustrated person is trying to waste your time.

It is difficult to take its own advantage from this situation

Constructive criticism like a way to keep your community active and to get suggestions

In all other cases, managing a complaint or a negative review can be extremely useful because it publicly shows our ability to interact positively. Criticism related to products or weaknesses you already know is a legitimate negative review. The advice is to publicly point out that the matter has been dealt with and to contact the person privately as quickly as possible.
When you receive an open question or someone leaves you a negative review through Google My Business or social media, actually he is sharing an issue that you are not aware of and he is giving you the opportunity to improve something that is important to your business and your company.

If you receive the same question frequently , save the answer to be quicker

In the pet food sector questions can be often the same; if you start to pay attention on them, you can notice that they repeat more often than others.

The best strategy is to collect these questions and write your own FAQ (Frequent Ask Question) on your site, save the answers in your Facebook message response management system or save files or texts so that they can be used quickly for your emails or your chats on WhatsApp.


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