Rosemary is the typical natural anti-parasite of the Mediterranean. Known for its antioxidant, antimicrobial, astringent and analgesic properties, it helps in the expulsion of intestinal gas in dogs and cats and, added to food, is able at the same time to stimulate the cat's appetite and act as a very useful preservative. natural food.
It is present throughout the Cat & CO Wellness range and the Dog & CO Wellness range .
Much appreciated for its antiseptic, tonic, antioxidant and digestive properties, rosemary is excellent for supplementing the dog's diet because it is rich in calcium, iron and Vitamin B6. An indispensable ingredient to ensure a balanced diet for the dog, it has a high content of flavonoids and antioxidants that contribute to the proper functioning of the animal's immune system and help to effectively combat some disorders related to aging. Its antimicrobial properties work by killing microorganisms and preventing their growth. Rosemary is also a good insect repellent and keeping a plant on the balcony or in the garden helps to keep them away and make the dog live better.
A medicinal plant that has always been known in the Mediterranean
Shrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family, rosemary, whose scientific name is Rosmarinus officinalis, is an aromatic plant widely used in cooking or as a natural remedy, but it is also highly appreciated for counteracting some ailments in animals, especially dogs. Its growth is spontaneous throughout the Mediterranean coast and is easily recognized by its very branched light-colored stems and protruding upwards. The leaves are lance-shaped, shiny and dark green, while the flowers are blue-violet with shades of lilac, small and collected in clusters. The flowering of the plant occurs between March and October.
An excellent natural repellent
In addition to the known nutraceutical properties of rosemary, this shrub of the Mediterranean scrub is an excellent natural repellent, particularly effective. Just come up with some little tricks to avoid bites to our four-legged friend: just dip some sprigs of rosemary in water and wipe the dog's fur with a cloth to make it act as a natural antibacterial able to ward off the presence of insects and parasites.
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